Women's health — Blog — THE ACNE & ECZEMA CLINIC

Women's health

Is the Pill right for me?

Is the Pill right for me?

Hey, girl. Whether you’re on the Pill, coming off it or thinking about going on it, I wrote this blog for you. Many women are put on the pill (otherwise known as the OCP - oral contraceptive pill) in their teenage years to regulate any sort of anomalies that may occur in the menstrual cycle and it’s becoming more and more common to be told to go back on the Pill for problems with your skin (that have likely been caused by the Pill). In a world of information that can feel overwhelming, let’s get some clarity on what you need to be aware of if you’re taking the Pill or thinking about it for your skin.

How Does Stress & The Adrenals Affect Hormones?

How Does Stress & The Adrenals Affect Hormones?

There’s no escaping stress… it’s a part of everyday life and, when experienced in the right contexts, plays an important part in our growth and adaptation. But, there is escaping from the harmful effects that stress can have on the body, especially our hormones. If you are a busy person, or have high stress in your life, and suffer with problems like acne, fatigue, period problems and mood changes, make sure you read this.

The Common Misdiagnosis of PCOS

The Common Misdiagnosis of PCOS

Nearly one in four women are diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). But how many of those diagnoses are accurate? We often treat women who have been walking around with a PCOS diagnosis when it’s been given based on ultrasound only, and in circumstances where polycystic ovaries would be expected to be seen (like post pill use, or in teenage girls). If you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS or know someone who has, make sure they read this.