Sick of being offered the Pill and antibiotics? Tried every skincare routine with no success? Cry sometimes when you look in the mirror? We get it, girl.
Let’s talk acne.
Acne can be a debilitating & heart-breaking condition for those that suffer with it.
Acne is a multi-faceted problem. This means there is not a one-size-fits-all answer as to the cause and the drivers; these need to be addressed for each individual sufferer… which is what we are solely focused on achieving here at The Acne & Eczema Clinic.
We treat many women in the clinic who all share a similar story…
Acne begins
They go to the doctor (usually as a teenager) and are put on the oral contraceptive pill and/or antibiotics
The acne may or may not go away with this approach. (Hint: this is a big indicator as to if hormones are a major driver of acne if the pill helps to clear acne)
If that doesn’t help, they are put on Accutane by a dermotologist or told that this is the only other option to clear their skin (Note: even with the horrific side effects, this doesn’t actually always help… I treat many women who have used this and are still coming to me with acne)
They either want to stop taking the pill/antibiotics now but are being told that’s the only way to help their acne
Or they have stopped the pill/Accutane/antibiotics and the acne has returned
Or they have felt entirely lost since day one, and are just hoping that the problem will get better with time or that they learn to love their acne because they’ve lost hope it will get better
They are frustrated of being told the same thing over and over
and tired of trying to figure out what the deeper cause of their acne is…
So, they find us (yay!).
We work to accurately assess and identify the underlying
drivers and causes of the acne…
…because everyone is different, and not all acne is going to be helped by medication that doesn’t take that into account.
Sometimes acne is because your lymphatic system isn’t working properly or you’re deficient in zinc for one reason or another.
Sometimes acne is due to stress or sluggish elimination pathways or certain foods or poor gut function.
There’s a lot to consider around the health of your insides… and the health of your skin itself. We not only address all aspects of your internal health, we also look at the function of the skin and the sebum, as well as your skincare routine.
For best results, we refer out to aligned specialist skin therapists who can custom create skincare depending on your skin function, and work to improve the skin barrier and reduce inflammation on the upper and deeper layers of the skin so that we can get amazing results as quickly as possible.
we take the time to look deeper
We know that acne can cause so many psychological, mental and emotional blocks, deplete self-esteem, self-worth and self-confidence, so we have a no-nonsense approach.
We do thorough testing from the get-go so that we understand the cause and the most efficient route of treatment from the outset. And, we will give you a realistic timeframe that we expect to get results so that you can make an informed decision about your next steps.
There is nothing more wonderful than feeling at home in your skin, and this feeling is something we take for granted until we have problems. If your acne has you looking in the mirror and feeling that the woman staring back at you is not the reflection of who you are…
If you don’t feel at home in your skin…
It’s time to go deep and heal from within.
The first step is completing our skin appraisal, to identify the likely drivers behind your acne. Make sure you leave your phone number so that we can have a chat about where you’re at and how we can help! This is completely free, and obligation free! It’s important to us to make sure we are aligned before we start our journey together.
If you’re ready to dive deep, you can make an appointment to chat with our Directing Naturopath, Emily Banks, to find out how we can best serve you. You can also keep updated on our socials.
We are excited to work with you, and to help you heal, from the inside out.
Our Acne Resources & results
All the things to know about acne + real-life results and how we achieved them!