Frustrated at your skin and the to-ing and fro-ing from steroid creams or treatments? Looking for a natural and holistic way to treat your skin and have it stay like that?
Whether it’s for you or your little one, let’s explore how we can heal eczema from the inside out.
Eczema can be one of the most debilitating skin conditions, causing psychological stress and physical distress.
But, hey, I’m sure you already know that if you’re reading this.
So, how can we help?
Of the countless patients I’ve treated with eczema, I notice some key commonalities between them:
Most of them have been given antibiotics in the first 2-3 years of life
Most of them have had antibiotics in the last 5 years
Most of them are still consuming an inflammatory-driving diet
And most of them have used or are still using cortisone or steroid creams to manage the eczema
Topical treatments don’t give long-lasting results because… eczema is an inside job.
In eczema, the epidermis (skin) becomes damaged, which allows environmental irritants to come into contact with immune cells, creating a cascading inflammatory response driven by the immune system.
Whether the skin function is compromised first, or whether it becomes compromised and damaged as a consequence of the immune response is still unknown. A chicken or the egg kind of scenario. Genes are likely a huge driving piece of the puzzle, considering that the onset of eczema is usually within the first 5 years of life (and the most recent research suggests that it’s the maternal genes that determine eczema, not the paternal genes).
The big thing that causes eczema is still unclear, and I believe this is because there’s never one driver to a problem. Click below to see the drivers that I investigate in my Clear Skin Formula™.
I love helping people of all ages with their eczema
& I especially love helping
babies with eczema.
This is because their allergenic patterns are less defined than adults, and there is so much that we can do to completely change the trajectory of their life. We can avoid a lifetime of antibiotics and steroid creams, bleach baths and sleepless nights. We can change the way that their immune systems develop, and create a phenomenal impact in their lives, and the lives of their parents.
For every baby with eczema that I help…
I know I’ve done the work that I wish I could have done for my adult patients with eczema back when they were kids and the problems were first developing.
When you are irritated and at your wits end with your skin and your itching, you’ll try anything to help. Unless you’re informed about what’s contributing to eczema and how to go about reducing it, then it’s the practitioner in front of you, offering the solution, that determines whether your skin and gut will be further damaged for short-term gains, or if healing will take place from the inside out for long-term change.
If you’re sitting in front of me, it’s the latter.
And, I can help to educate you about all things eczema so that you have more understanding, power and control over what happens from here on out. Knowledge is power, and we’ve got plenty of it to share for free.
Let’s work together to address what’s driving your eczema, and bring about change that lasts.
Not sure where to start?
Complete our free skin appraisal to see what areas need attention in the healing of your skin! It’s important to us to make sure we are aligned before we start our journey together.
If you’re ready to dive deep
you can make an online appointment with one of our team in just two clicks. Not sure where to start? Book a discovery call with our Directing Naturopath, Emily, so she can help guide you.
All the things to know about eczema + real-life results and how we achieved them!