When To Get Your Hormones Tested

When To Get Your Hormones Tested

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then hormone testing is worth a year in guesswork when it comes to acne. It’s important that hormone testing is done at the right time of your cycle though, otherwise these results can be seemingly pointless in revealing a hormonal imbalance. Here’s when to get all hormones related to acne tested.

What Tests Can I Do For Acne?

What Tests Can I Do For Acne?

There is no standalone cause of acne; which is why testing is so important. It’s my job to get a clear understanding of what’s driving your acne and what treatment is required to heal it. Tests are a super easy way to get difficult questions answered, and to be able to better predict treatment outcomes. Here’s a list of tests that I often request for those that I help with acne.

Will My Acne Come Back When I Come Off The Pill?

Will My Acne Come Back When I Come Off The Pill?

If you were told that the Pill was going to fix or regulate your hormones to help your acne, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. You were lied to. The Pill shuts down your natural hormone system. So, if your acne started at puberty and was fixed by the Pill, then chances are there were some hefty hormonal drivers behind it. And, when you stop the Pill, those hormonal problems are most likely going to return. Here’s some things that can help.

How To Help Hormonal Acne

How To Help Hormonal Acne

We are given so many falsities about our own hormonal health as women… falsities like “taking the pill will regulate your hormones and clear your acne“. Well, that’s entirely untrue. If you’re sick of being on the roller coaster of being told that the pill or antibiotics are the only way to help your hormonal acne, read this.

Do I Need To Come Off The Pill Before I Can Get Help With My Acne?

Do I Need To Come Off The Pill Before I Can Get Help With My Acne?

I can’t tell you how many times I get asked this question before people book in to work with me. Coming off the Pill is important to help get your hormones back into function - but so is having good nutrition and stress management! If you’re feeling a little lost with what step one is in helping your acne or you’re dreading coming off the Pill because you know that post-pill acne is going to happen, this is for you.